Randai From Minangkabau

Randai is a culture in the form of dance, drama and martial arts originating from Indonesia minangkabau conducted in groups in the open. In the show, there are many elements in randai art. Elements contained in randai is the art of drama, singing, dance, and music. Elements of drama can be seen from the role players to engage in dialogue, movement and expression. The element of sound art is seen in chant between scenes with other scenes. While chanting, the player round robin while doing arts movement as one of the elements of dance. Art music visible when the music was played as a dance accompanist or kaba when read out. Musical accompaniment randai usually is saluang, rabab, and talempong.

The source of the story is taken from kaba. Kaba is displayed in the form of a dialogue between the players accompanied by the chant. While the theme of every performance randai very diverse. Because, there are many types of Minangkabau kaba with various themes.
Randai performances done by many people. In the show, the actors form a circle, stepping piecemeal. There is a lot of movement in this randai, such as the movement forward, backward into the far circle and then out of the circle. Other basic movements, such as kick, hit, or hit a hand. In certain parts, the players also walked while singing. Finished singing then re doing arts movements. and so on, repeatedly.
Dance in this randai sourced from dance movements and movements of martial arts. Arts movements will be undertaken is the development of basic movement arts. movements are performed too often uniform and sometimes contradictory.
In the dance randai there are also elements of martial arts movement. It looks at the fight between the characters, as the culmination of tension. The movement pretended done as well as possible to make it look original to the eyes. In certain parts, the player randai also use weapons such as daggers. This is in order to display silat movements look more original and exciting, so interesting to see.
Randai From Minangkabau Randai From Minangkabau Reviewed by Unknown on 5:45 AM Rating: 5

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